Jin Gui Golden Shield Qi Gong
What is Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong? Web Site
Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong is a rare "Temple Style" of Qi Gong. It is a remarkable internal energy system designed to achieve "Super Health" by developing the human energy body very quickly. The key focus is on development of higher human potential, health and longevity. The training removes stagnations within the meridian system, detoxifies chemical and emotional imbalances, strengthens the immune system, increases bone mass, enhances the body's communication system, and activates the human body-mind potential. Practitioners feel that their energy becomes more vital and youthful through Golden Shield Qi Gong training and practice.
For all levels, the training entails two classes per month, plus an additional 45 minutes-2 hours (depending on the training) of self initiated training per week. Each training level is also accompanied by external or internal herbal formulas that have been passed down with each generation of practitioners.
In each level we gently ask the body to grow by introducing progressively challenging physical stimulation. The body's responds is an enhancing of overall energy production, storage and circulation. Each level of training also includes moving and sitting meditations to compliment the physical training and enhance mind/body/energy connection. The result is the transformation of the entire energetic system and greatly enhanced levels of health.
Jingui Qi Gong is currently taught in 14 different cities throughout the US and Canada.
Locations include:
Ellen Genarro - phone: 516.410.0287 email: ellen.g@centurylink.net
Stephanie Ryan - phone: 480.273.1125 email: stephiehike@hotmail.com
Salt Springs Island / Victoria - website
Rudy Hexter - phone: 250.538.5563 email: truetreasures33@gmail.com
Vancouver Island - website
Brett Holland - phone: 250.920.8818 email: brettjholland@gmail.com
Stefanie Schlegel - phone: 604.441.1597 email: anugraha108@gmil.com
Corte Madera/Marin - website
Darren Huckle - phone: 831.334.5177 email: qihuck@yahoo.com
Santa Cruz
Darren Huckle - phone: 831.334.5177 email: rootsofwellness@gmail.com
Boulder - website
David Moore - phone: 303.917.3318 email: davidmoore91@gmail.com
Felicity Kelly - phone: 641.781.9700 email: lifesignalacupuncture@gmail.com
Fairfield - website
Mary Ida Adams - phone: 641.980.8017 email: miacloudlake@gmail.com
Raleigh - website
Jennifer Spain - phone: 919.260.7023 email: jennifer.spain.lac@gmail.com
Austin - website
Teresa Frease - phone: 512.954.1194 email: intendedmedicine@gmail.com
Austin - website
Tim Chrisco - phone: 512.537.3365 email: timchrisco@gmail.com
Austin - website
Stephen Andrews - phone: 512.468.0899 email: morningsunacupuncture@gmail.com
Anne Cusick - phone: 512-554-6642 email: anne_cusick@hotmail.com
Pat Riker - phone: 512.847.3701 email: pgriker@austin.rr.com
Bellingham - website
Matthew Van Dyke - phone: 360.466.1800 email: Matt@SkagitAcupuncture.comWisconsin
Jonathan Ferris - phone: 414.721.6964 email: ferrislac@gmail.com
Milwaukee - website
Jim Kulackoski - phone: 312.545.6306 email: jim@darshancenter.com